Computer Services, Training, Network Consulting and Computer building - Halifax - Electronics for sale, Halifax - 36165


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Computer Services, Training, Network Consulting and Computer building - Electronics for sale

Ref. number: 36165 Updated: 13-10-2009 23:52 by Facebook via

Offering: Electronics for sale in Canada, Halifax

Hi everyone! Do you want a new computer that's not based on a major manufacturer that you can truly call your own? Do you figure your computer's running slow or in need of a tune-up or virus removal? Do you want to upgrade your computer with new parts? Got a question or two about the operating system(s) in your computer or how to utilize Microsoft Office to its full potential? Thinking of installing a network but unsure of which route to go? (Wireless, Wired, how many computers are needed, what networking hardware is best) Here is your computer guy! I'm Mike. I've been doing this kind of thing now for seventeen years and want to bring my services to the people of Halifax and Dartmouth. If you need any assistance of any sort or just of the items i listed above, please call me and I'll give you a quote (or email me) I'm a friendly guy and will try my best to try and get your questions answered as quickly as possible or to get your system or network the way YOU want it as soon as possible!

Details :

  • delivery: Local Delivery
  • user_id: 13204652

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